5 Ways to Boost Event Engagement with Videos

Videos lie at the heart of virtual events. They make these events dynamic, engaging, and fun, so obviously, the type and quality of videos at your virtual event go a long way towards establishing how successful it is.

In a recent webinar, we wanted to create a discussion around the use of video at virtual events – their types, the technologies, and the formats. Check out the webinar for the full conversation, but here’s a quick recap of the videos types we discussed:

On-Demand Video

Create a video content bank during the event and build a secondary revenue stream with them. Select videos from the bank and make them on-demand for a limited time. Use them as a demo to showcase to your future prospects and clients.

Pre-Recorded Video Live Streams

These let you have more control over your Live sessions as well as reuse existing content. By streaming pre-recorded video sessions on multiple channels you get the best of both worlds – the engagement and excitement of live and the production quality of recorded videos.

Live Session Broadcast Video with Engagement

Broadcast your sessions to audiences on a global scale, but ensure engagement features are baked into the video platform. This includes the capability to chat with other participants, respond to polls and surveys, and ask questions to the speaker.

Live Video Roundtables

Roundtables are virtual spaces for between 6 – 10 attendees where they can connect freely with each other and have a chat. Ideally, an event should have multiple roundtables grouped by topic. This allows attendees to network with each other in a virtual event setting.

1:1 Video Networking

Video Roundtables are great for general networking, but after building initial connections, attendees might want a space for private conversations. 1-1 Video Networking capabilities are just as important as Video roundtables for networking at virtual events. Allowing attendees to talk in a safe, uninterrupted environment is made possible with this feature.

For a much more in-depth discussion on this topic, check out our Webinar on the subject right here.

If you are ready to make the jump to virtual events and need a feature-packed, scalable platform, do visit us at e2m.live and set up a short consultation.

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